Sunday, October 16, 2011

Playing With Leaves

I finally got around to playing with the leaves from our leaf hunt last week. In hindsight, we should have worked with them earlier because they were pretty crispy and lost some of their bright colors. Oh well, learn from my mistake! I first wrote different colors on strips of paper, and had "A" sort the leaves into a bar graph formation. We then discussed which one had the most and the least. We added the color purple even though it isn't a normal color used to categorize fall leaves, but "A" insisted.
Then to get a little more into the Autumn leaves spirit of things "A" sang a song he learned in Kindergarten. Watch the video to hear a song set to the tune of London Bridge.
Then it was time to make leaf creations. I got easily frustrated by how dried out the leaves were. "A" stuck it out and made some pretty cool animals!
I made this guy. Don't know what he is
My butterfly ( I gave up after this one)
"A's" Leaf man

A Snail
A Giraffe
A Fish

1 comment:

  1. These are some great leaf activities! Thank you for linking up to the The Sunday Showcase
