Showing posts with label safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label safety. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2011

Living with Baby

I finally broke down and rearranged the living room to better meet the needs of the family. It was exhausting trying to make sure the baby wasn't trying to climb in the fireplace, pull the TV off the shelve, chew cords, or eat something off of the floor. I was constantly running behind baby trying to make sure he was safe or always putting him in the play pen (which I hate doing). Our house is very small and the new arrangement makes it very closed off and I feel kind of weird making the living room the new playroom. However, living with it for a week I kinda love it. I have one area that I know that the kids can pull anything out and play in a totally safe environment. Since the new living space everyone gravitates here, including the dogs. "A" hasn't played with many of his toys in months, but since bring them out into the living room it is like he has discovered long last friends. I can't believe I didn't do this earlier!

The New and Improve Living Room:

Family Enjoying New Space:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nature Tot Sensory Basket

Baby has had the kitchen sensory basket for almost a week. He has pulled items out a few times, but I could tell it was time to start something new. I have been finding and storing treasures from our nature walks and was excited to try "B" playing with some textures that were naturally made. I am overly cautious of finding items that baby won't choke on since he continually puts everything in his mouth and also we had a huge scare when he swallowed and choked on a twig that was transferred into the house on the dogs. "B" (at 6 months old) tried to get the twig to go down and then choked on his own fluids four times. Having my four year old call 911 and the local ER transporting him to a specialized children's hospital in another state, was so traumatic to the entire family. Eleven hours later, we found the twig and had it surgically removed. The fear of that day makes every mouth exploration sheer terror. So for this basket I have it stored up high and pull it out with him when I can have a watchful eye!

What is in the new basket:
Wood shavings for starting fires. Baby food container is taped shut. Makes a fun noise.

Water, Food Coloring, Mineral Oil, and Shells
These rocks are to make a shaker. One of his favorites!!!

The bag is feathers from a craft store. I open it for him to feel softness.
Finish Nature Sensory Basket!
 Baby Enjoying Basket:
Told Ya-Straight in the Mouth!
The moss was super intriguing.

Couldn't resist the tiny feet picture
Is this a happy baby or what? Nature Basket=HUGE Hit!
For the curious minded (pics of "B's" emergency):
Ambulance ride from local ER to Children's Hosptial

Getting vitals done. Brace is so they could keep the IV in.
In his overnight crib-right after the surgery

Twig that stuck. Scraped him up pretty bad too!
Happy (as if nothing every happened) in the hospital playroom the day after.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hooray For Parks with Water Features

The summer has been cruddy this year, with it being one of the most wet and humid ones that I can remember. Today was the first day finally above 85 degrees, and I had to take advantage by taking the boys to one of our favorite hot day activities: parks with water features. These parks are great because they have playgrounds for dry play and water for wet play. I also like it because it is just splashing about, so your little one doesn't need to know how to swim and can have safe water play. Did I mention they are free! Portland, OR has a ton of community parks and there are quite a few that have water features. I wanted to highlight my two favorites: Irving Park and Peninsula Park.

Irving Park on 7th and Fremont in North Portland: This is my favorite with a fire hydrant, shower, numerous fountains, and a cool new playground. There are tons of area for picnicking as well.

Peninsula Park on Rosa Park Way and Albina: This park has so much to offer. It has a community center, outdoor pool ($2.50 for kids) and was the original rose garden for Portland, OR. I highly recommend coming in late June/early July. The garden has a Alice and Wonderland feel that is great for picnics. The playground is pretty cool too. Plus it has a cute froggy and flower water feature that is fun for those hot days!

A Day at the Beach

Last weekend we took the boys on a day trip to Fort Stevens on the Northern Oregon Coast. Daddy wanted to show off the historic batteries from WWII. The batteries were put at the mouth of the Columbia River to protect inland attacks. Now the batteries are abandoned tunnels to play in. I let them play at the batteries as I patiently waited for the time to play on the beach. "A" can be a handful and I have found my most pleasant days with him in the past have been beach trips. He seems so calm and can entertain himself for hours. I have such a peace around him while we are near the ocean. Plus, I was super excited because this was babies first time at the beach. We put him in the sand although both Daddy and I were terrified he would eat the sand. I know that is just being overly protective and all babies eat sand, but we had a choking scare that brought us to our knees recently. Surprisingly, "B" at first just loved the feel of running his hand through the sand. This kept him occupied for almost 15 minutes until he had to taste it. Daddy quickly scooped him up and held him the rest of the day. The weather started to get cloudy and cold (which happens frequently on the Oregon Coast) so we couldn't jump waves or play an the surf. Bummer! Also the beach we were at didn't have my two favorite beach activities: agate hunting or looking at tide pools. However, there was shipwreck and lots of sand for castle building. Overall, a wonderful family outing!!!

Exploring the historic, abandoned batteries:

Old Cannons
Waiting for the older boys to come out of the batteries
"B" decided to do some exploring of his own
Walking the battery walls
Lucky for me the had a living history exhibit going on. Entertainment while I waited!

Ft. Stevens Batteries

Guide for tools in abandoned battery room
"A" couldn't resist a checking out the old Army jeep
Now it's BEACH TIME!!!

"A" being an awesome boy at the beach-playing away!
"B" running his fingers through the sand

Happy Mommy Moment!!!

"B" wants to do what brother is doing

Digging tunnels to drive through
Post sand eating and starting to get cold. Doesn't he look like a Boohpah?
"A's" sand tunnel roads

Beach Baby

"A" playing on the shipwreck