Showing posts with label Recycled Materials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recycled Materials. Show all posts

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Freedom to Fly

So I hate to admit it but I have a little (or a lot depending on who you ask) problem of wanting to control things. I like predictability, routine, structure. Being a parent to two boys can make that a challenge, because boys are anything but predictable! I hate to say that often I get in their way of being kids. Take for example the other day as we sat to eat dinner the boys noticed a blue jay out our dining room window. 
We don't see a ton of blue jays in Anchorage. It was a wonderful reminder that spring was surely here. Spring:-what Alaskans long for as we wait for the last bit of seven months of snow to give us a brief reprieve. Well eating dinner was no longer a priorit, there was a bird to play with! "B" was especially adamant that he needed to go get that bird. Mind you he had not eaten anything and was half naked, but this was a matter of emergency. "A" was also brimming with excitement but was stifling it so he could appear to be the older, more mature child. The whole time I of course am being sensible, smart, structured....CONTROLLING. 

"You need to eat your dinner."- "You don't have clothes on."- "You will get cold."- "It is dirty."- "It is too late to go out and play."-"Leave the bird alone."- "It's not like you are going to catch it." blah blah blah...
Luckily, this is ONE time as a mom where I caught myself. I reflected on how it felt to chase birds when I was a child. I remember the joy and exhilaration knowing I couldn't catch them, but trying none-the-less. I wanted to fly just like them. As a child I certainly had the energy and audacity to fly, if God had just given me wings. Why was I stifling that experience for my boys? I realize how much I was clipping their wings as I held them back from these moments of wonder and exploration. Would the 5 minutes away from dinner running around in the cold yard do any damage in the long run? No, but not allowing them the "freedom to fly"  definitely would.
Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation. Just what we as a family need from time-to-time.
To remind myself of this moment and to try to be more conscious of letting my boys be kids I had them make some bird treats. Invite  the birds to come and next time my kids will be ready to play with them.
Perfect activity as we celebrate Earth Day. 
Take toilet paper tubes and spread with peanut butter. Make sure to punch holes first!
Roll in bird seed or cracked corn. I found a small bag for about $2.50 at Fred Meyers in the pet area.
We also found old bird houses we had painted about a year ago and hung those as well. They were found at Michaels in the $1 bin. I didn't treat it for the weather, which in hindsight I probably should have. 
So we are ready for the birds and I have  reminder out my dining room window that I want children that desire to fly, not be tethered down by the trappings of this life. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Jet Pack Costume

For youth group last Tuesday we had to dress up with the theme of the unit we had been teaching on: Space Quest! I knew exactly what to make for "A"-a jet pack costume! The greatest thing is I had all items on hand using recycled items and it was completely free. I originally saw the idea on Pinterest and a different variation at Classy Miss Molassy. Mine is a lot less fancy because I am a no fuss type of gal. So without further adieu...

Blast Off!!!


Take two 2 Liter soda bottles and I taped them together with clear packaging tape. Then tape them to a cardboard piece (I used a flap). Punch holes in the four corners of cardboard. Add string to be able to put it on like a backpack. Add red & orange tissue paper for flames. Viola-easy peasy you are done!!!

"A" also wanted to make a space man "helmet". He just cut a hole in a box (the same one we got the flap off for the jet pack) and he decorated it with space drawings and "buttons".

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Paper Plate Wreaths

I had wanted to share a really simple craft for your preschooler. As I get older I am really starting to be fond of wreaths. I have my fancy one that hangs outside over the holidays, but why not make some that hang inside as well. Simply take a paper plate and cut out the middle. Decorate the rim, then punch a hole and add string. Viola! The ideas for decorating are endless. Here are two "A" has has made over the years...
What  are some other things you could decorate it with. Hmmm...we may have to make a button one since I love how much our turkey turned out at Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Owl Lapbook

A few posts earlier, I had mentioned that "A" and I were going to do a mini learning unit on owls. I found a short but cute lapbook on Homeschool Share. I love this place for free printables when it comes to lapbooks and mini units. So after reading Owl Babies by Martin Waddle and All About Owls by Jim Arnosky we got down to working on the lapbook. This is probably the smallest lapbook we have done. I was sort of bummed that they didn't have a math component. In fact, unlike most lapbooks there isn't a lot of subject crossover. There was some good information to be learned though.

The best ways to share a lapbook is on video. So if you wish I included one...

 Not wanting to end any major learning unit without some art or craft I took advantage of the toilet paper rolls my sister-in-law has saved up for me. I found some sweet, colorful owls on Pinterest and they were just too easy to make. So now they join the owls we made from pinecones and feathers in our Learning About Forests unit.

The books we read:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Autumn is FINALLY showing its hue

The leaves are just starting to change here. There is one tree on my whole block that has turned the most vibrant orange/red color. It seems so much brighter than any autumn tree I have ever seen, but I am now convinced because it is the only one at the moment and the contrast is just so striking!
Since I have never been known for my patience and I needed to capitalize on a day without rain I took "A" on a pretty leaf hunt. Surprisingly, we found some great leaves. Not a ton but something to work with. I am hoping that next week we can do some color graphing with them and then make some leaf animals, but my hubby is coming to visit for the weekend and it is "B's" first birthday (double yay!). That being said we will see what I actually accomplish. On the walk we did find an unusual pinecone that I brought home for "A's" discovery box. It is a small box I think people use for fishing. In fact, I think it came in a kids fishing pole kit. We find small nature stuff to put in the small compartments. It can be carried around and "A" usually has his magnifying glass accompanying it. Some things we have in the compartments is sea glass, a robin's eggshell, rocks, seashells, pinecones, etc.
From our leaf hunt
Discovery Box treasures
The green pinecone that looks like palm tree was what we found today
"A's" Discovery Box and magnifying glass
Wanting to bring the fall trees into our home we did a little Pinterest craft. My sister game me a box of toilet paper rolls (oh the things I can think) and then today I hit the mother-load of good deals. I see all these people who use cardstock to print everything on. I have looked everywhere and that stuff is ridiculous expensive. I was so discouraged and kept crafting on printing paper. Then today at Craft Wharehouse they had a set of 300 pages of different color cardstock for $12.99. Holy Cow I was excited! So taking the toilet paper roll and cardstock "A" made a little Autumn tree. Then I had to add it to some of the Halloween decorations I have found the time to put out.
We used pencil erasers to make the dots.
Finished toilet paper tree ;0). Decorated bookcase top. The little foam tree in the corner is at Target now for $1
Decorated Fireplace Mantel ( I know you are all jealous of my vintage movie poster)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ABC Stickers

For a little supplementing today I had "A" pull out his ABC Letter Stickers (he has a few different sets). The first skill was matching ABC's to ones I had stamped onto a recycled paper towel roll. The second sticker activity was another type of matching put he had to use the letters to write some sight words we are working on. At first he was getting tired because he kept saying his ABC's to find the right letter on the sticker packs, and he thought that was just too much like work. Then I told him he didn't need to say the ABC's every time but look for the shape of the letters (like a circle for the letter o). I described it like a search-and-find game and all of a sudden he had a lot more fun.

ABC Sticker Match:
Sight Word Sticker Writing:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

In the Doghouse

"A" was late to warm up to the idea of stuffed animals (we call them loveys). Around age of three he got a stuffed dog that looks identical to our toy poodle, Scully. He rightfully named the lovey Scully Bug (we add bug to the end of names as a term of endearment). Ever since then "A" is obsessed with acquiring dog stuffed animals-they MUST be dogs though.

This weekend we are at the fabric store and we saw some cute dog fabric, and silly me-I suggested that would be cute to make a dog bed for his loveys. Luckily, I was able to get out of the store without purchasing the fabric, but "A's" wheels were already turning. He just HAD to make a dog house for his many stuffed dogs. He was convinced making it with wood would be simple-all you do is glue it together! (Um Yeah-NO!!!). Then remembering the airplane with Daddy he had a new building material in mind. He wouldn't let it go-so late last night we stayed up and made a dog house. It only took one box, paint, sharpies, and a pet stencil. It was the first night in two years that his dogs didn't sleep with him but in their new house. Of course, this was after he kissed them all good night!
"A" with Rover and Scully Bug-Turned out pretty cute and is at the foot of his bed!
Told you the Scullys look alike.  I have been known to get them confused when my dog lays a certain way.
Now Back to the Craft:
All his loveys are represented on the back with their names and paw prints
Play food, water, and toy
Scully Bug and Buddy looking out the window (Cutie Tail is at the front door)
This house is so much nicer than his other house where dogs (real ones at least) are NOT OKAY!
PS. These cardboard colorable clubhouse ROCKS. Got it on Black Friday and has got tons of use!
He tried to write NO DOGS on the sign but it ended up saying Dog ON (te he-love it)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ready For Takeoff

We have boxes strewn across our house as my hubby gets ready to move to Alaska for work. It will be a long 7 months without Daddy around and can't wait until April when we will be joining him for the new chapter in our lives. "A" was desperate to build an airplane out of one of the boxes with Daddy. Airplanes are very important in our household because my hubby is a flight instructor. "A" has been around airports and small engine planes since he was born.

Finished Product
The airplane was completely my five year old's creation. Well, he had all the ideas and directed Daddy to do exactly as he said. Supplies were two boxes, duct tape ("A" saw it lying around and his creative juices started flowing), clear Saran wrap, glue stick, foam brushes, and tempura paint. It turned out amazing. My husband has told me about 50 times how the window with Saran wrap was all "A". The little man just keeps saying "He can't believe he made something so cool-he can't even believe it!

Work in Progress
Adding his joystick
Painting the "knobs"-see the windows with Saran wrap
Ready For Takeoff