Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sensational Spaghetti

As I am trying to come to terms with "B's" Sensory Processing Disorder diagnosis I am trying to find ways to get his sensory fix and be safe at the same time. He is still sticks everything in his mouth and due to the diagnosis I don't think this will change any time soon. His therapist recommended edible play dough, finger paints, and painting with pudding to name a few (look forward to posts about these fun things later). When they listed some of the options dyed spaghetti came to mind (after all noodles are one thing he actually likes to eat).Here is "B's" spaghetti sensory bin:

Boil the noodles, drain, and oil & food dye, play! 
And this is why I made noodles
Hide the banana ;0)
Spaghetti sensory noodles aren't just for kiddos with SPD either. All kiddos love messy play. Also if you are a parent to a tot and want to do sensory bins, but are afraid they will put little things in their mouth- there are other options out there. Happy sensory play everyone!

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